The Importance of Maintaining Your Fire Control Systems

Posted by Lee Kaiser on Apr 2, 2020 4:46:49 PM

Even with a large majority of the workforce in the United States not being able to go into their workplace right now it is important to maintain your building's fire control systems. In most cases it only take one or two people to maintain the system to ensure the building continues to comply with the local fire codes. 

The impact of having a building that isn't being properly maintained can place a huge burden on the nation's already taxed systems. Risking a mission critical fire not only puts your company in jeopardy but takes first responders away from supporting their ongoing goals to get everyone back on their feet.

Watch this video from our VP of Engineering, Lee Kaiser, to hear about his recommendations and additional information on this critical topic. 


Topics: Featured Article, MCFP, COVID-19

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